‘Your Yoga partner is in an animal shelter,’ says PETA ad

Metro Manila — For International Yoga Day (Monday, June 21), People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has launched an adorable campaign to encourage people to adopt a yoga buddy—a playful cat or dog—from a local animal shelter or rescue group.

“Anyone who has gone into downward dog only to see their animal companion run onto the mat underneath them knows that animals brighten our lives with their antics and loyalty,” says PETA Senior Vice President Jason Baker. “PETA is urging all yogis to adopt a homeless animal so that your ‘namaste’ will be always be followed by a woof or a purr.”

PETA notes that every time someone buys a dog or cat online or from a breeder, market, or pet store, a homeless animal roaming the streets or waiting in an animal shelter loses a chance at finding a home. Many animals are euthanized in city pounds because of a lack of good homes. That’s why PETA advocates for adoption and urges guardians to have their animal companions sterilized.

PETA’s team in Metro Manila works on the ground to spay and neuter animals living in indigent communities at low or no charge, provides injured and sick animals with urgent veterinary care, and adopts out animals in need of loving homes. Anyone interested in adopting a dog or cat can contact PETA’s adoption team here.

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to abuse in any way”—opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview. For more information, please visit PETAAsia.com or follow the group on TwitterFacebook, or Instagram.