PUP JME’s Odyssey: The Seven Nations celebrates the spirit of marketing community

The PUP Junior Marketing Executives will celebrate their 63rd and first-ever online Marketing Festival entitled, “ODYSSEY: The Seven Nations”. It is a 4-day long event happening on March 11-14, 2021.

Marketing Festival is an annual event hosted by PUP JME to celebrate the spirit of Marketing Community. ODYSSEY: The Seven Nations was designed by the organization to allow the students to celebrate and showcase their pride as Marketistas as they engage in friendly competitions throughout the event and to show the essence of teamwork by being part of various Nations. It is also done to show that even if there is an ongoing circumstance, Marketing students can still showcase their abilities and communicate with one another effectively, which imparts a very valuable lesson that they can still go on an adventure despite the current situation.

Together, let us experience what each nation has to offer and explore the wonders of The Seven Nations!