Full-time mom pens a poem on ‘The Carousel’ of life

The following #POPCreators entry was submitted by Lydia “Dada” D. Lopez, a retired ‘PAGCORian’, who loves writing poetry and playing the piano and is also a full-time mom and wife.  Submissions under POP! Creator Community appears “as is,” without any editorial intervention.

Here’s the poem created by Lopez entitled “The Carousel”:

There’s rain on her parade

but she carries it well

Don’t you have a story to keep or tell?

She smiles to keep up the charade.

The pen is her friend

quiet but comforting

And there’s her piano

that’s loud and proud

But in their own ways

both uplifting.

So she rides the carousel of life

with all its ups and downs

Wonder why the piano keys

are black and white?

White keys represent the musical tone

Black keys represent the sharps & flats

Just like those times

when life brings her

both smiles and frowns

She might as well enjoy the ride.

POP! Creator Community/Lydia Lopez


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