Paolo Sandejas releases ‘Purple Afternoon’ EP

Paolo Sandejas continues to lift our spirits and give hope to everyone in his EP, “Purple Afternoon”.

“There’s nothing more peaceful than a nice purple afternoon.”

When the sunset’s almost over and the light starts to fade away, you watch the world slowly change from day to night. In life, things change very often. Just how day turns to night, things can go from good to bad in an instant. In those moments where things don’t go your way, it’s important to always remember that it won’t stay bad forever and eventually the dawn will come.

That’s what makes purple afternoons amazing. The EP will encourage the listeners to embrace change and look for the light no matter how dark it gets. Paolo shows this change in the EP as no two songs are the same. There are songs that make you dance, songs that make you cry, and everything in between. Let the music move you and accompany you through it all.”

Purple Afternoon EP is now available on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, Amazon Music, Deezer, and all digital stores worldwide under Universal Records.