The following#POPCreators entry was submitted by Reajane Aguilar Balbada, who considered herself a pluviophile (a person who loves rain). Submissions under POP! Creator Community appears “as is,” without any editorial intervention.
Here’s the poem created by Balbada entitled “I’m sorry but I love the rain”:
I’m sorry but I love the rain
From its soft, tender sound
Pitter-patter on the roofing.
Bliss is the sound that it brings!
I’m sorry but I love the rain
Though I fear of the lightning
That strikes my window pane
And the roaring thunder from the heavens.
I’m sorry but I love the rain
The foremost fragrance of the drizzled soil,
Petrichor is what they name.
Aroma at its best, heaven in the earthy smell!
I’m sorry but I love the rain
For it waters the thirsty grasslands
And the farmers’ crops in the hinterlands
Rain quenches the thirsty ground.
I’m sorry but I love the rain
To some it’s disadvantageous,
The effect of flood may be humongous
They’re so wrong to think that rain causes this deluge.
I’m sorry but I love the rain
It’s not the culprit of the many floods
Surely but the greed of humankind
That makes our forest bare and bald.
I’m sorry but I love the rain
For it recalls my childhood memories
The joy, the fun, the sorrow and the pain.
Those reminiscences beheld by no other than the rain.

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