UPLB’s Civil engineering Executive Organization presents User Interface PH 2020

USER INTERFACE PH 2020 returns and is now going online. With the event still being spearheaded by one of the premiere student organization in the Philippines, CEO (Civil engineering Executive Organization) guarantees to deliver the latest advancements in the broad field of engineering, ranging from research, design projects, infrastructure, as well as software for engineering for the more tech-savvy individuals.

This event is open to all engineering students, software developers, members of the academe, and engineers from all around the Philippines. Be a part of the growing Filipino community that shows their interest and passion in integrating new engineering technologies into solving real-life problems.

The event will be held on October 25, 2020 and will be broadcasted in the USER INTERFACE PH’s Facebook Page via Facebook Live.

For inquiries, you may contact Aldrich Palomar(0905 572 7171) or email via nationaluserinterface@gmail.com.